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Parish Diary February 2023

Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Wed 110.45am Alexander House service;9am-3pm Tugboats;10.30am Communion, coffee and cake10.45am Alexander House service;
6pm Evensong;
Thurs 2 9am-3pm Tugboats;Choir Rehearsal;
3:30-4:45pm Junior Choir
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
6pm Evensong;
Fri 3 9am-3pm Tugboats; 7-10pm Choir Practice;
SAT 4 10-12noon Climb to the Top of the Tower; 4-9pm Sound of Music parish entertainment;
SUN 5 10am Holy Communion;
2pm Sporty Church;
8am Holy Communion BCP
10am Sung Eucharist w baptism
5pm Evensong
8am Holy Communion;
10.00am Eucharist;
12noon Late Service;
4pm Contemporary Service:
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 67-9.45pm Deanery Synod at Christ Church;9am-3pm Tugboats;
10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins;
3.45pm - 5.15pm Penny Poppins;
7-9.45pm Deanery Synod;
8am Eucharist;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
Tues 7 9am-3pm Tugboats;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
Sheen Gate Choir - 19:45-21:30;6pm Evensong;
8pm-9pm Barnes Choir;
Wed 8 9am-3pm Tugboats;10.30am Communion, coffee and cake6pm Evensong;
Thurs 9 9am-3pm Tugboats;Choir Rehearsal;
3:30-4:45pm Junior Choir
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
6pm Evensong;
Fri 10 9am-3pm Tugboats; 7-10pm Choir Practice;
SAT 11    
SUN 12 10am Holy Communion;8am Holy Communion BCP
10am Sung Eucharist
5pm Evensong
8am Holy Communion;
10.00am Eucharist;
12noon Late Service;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 13Half Term;10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins; 8am Eucharist;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
Tues 14Half Term;9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
Sheen Gate Choir - 19:45-21:30;6pm Evensong;
7.45pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir;
Wed 15Half Term;
10.45am Alexander House service;
10am Poling Station Review;
7.00pm-9.00pm MIND Carers Grp (StM Rm);
6.15pm-7.15pm Julian Meeting;
10.30am Communion, coffee and cake
10.45am Alexander House service;
6pm Evensong;
Thurs 16Half Term;1.30-3pm Rem Group - MCA;Choir Rehearsal;
3:30-4:45pm Junior Choir
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
12noon Piano Technician;
6pm Evensong;
Fri 17Half Term;  7-10pm Choir Practice;
SAT 18 10am-4.30pm Kingston 3rd Age Orchestra Day; 11am-11.30pm All Saints Concert Series;
SUN 19 10am Holy Communion;8am Holy Communion BCP
10am All Age Eucharist with baptism
5pm Choral Evensong
8am Holy Communion;
10.00am Eucharist;
12noon Late Service;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 20 9am-3pm Tugboats;
10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins;
3.45pm - 5.15pm Penny Poppins;
 8am Eucharist;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
Tues 21SHROVE TUESDAY9am-3pm Tugboats;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
6.30pm - 7.30pm - Pancake event;
3:30pm Shrove Tuesday pancake party
Sheen Gate Choir - 19:45-21:30;
6pm Evensong;
7.45pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir;
Wed 22ASH WEDNESDAY;9am-3pm Tugboats;
8.00pm Eucharist for Ash Wednesday
10.30am Holy Communion and chat
10.30am Communion, coffee and cake; service with imposition of Ashes
8.00pm Eucharist for Ash Wednesday
6pm Evensong;
8.00pm Eucharist for Ash Wednesday
Thurs 23 9am-3pm Tugboats;Choir Rehearsal;
3:30-4:45pm Junior Choir
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
6pm Evensong;
Fri 24 9am-3pm Tugboats; 7-10pm Choir Practice;
SAT 25   10am-1pm Barnes Choir - Pianothon;
SUN 26PARISH LENT LECTURES START;10am Holy Communion;8am Holy Communion BCP
10am Sung Eucharist
5pm Evensong;
6.30pm Parish Lent Talk - Theology in the Arts - Bishop Rob Gillion;
8am Holy Communion;
10.00am Eucharist and Small Saints children's group;
12noon Late Service Eucharist;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 27 9am-3pm Tugboats;
10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins;
3.45pm - 5.15pm Penny Poppins;
 8am Eucharist;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
7.30pm All Saints Lent course
Tues 28 9am-3pm Tugboats;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
Sheen Gate Choir - 19:45-21:30;6pm Evensong;
7.45pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir;