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Parish Diary December 2023

Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Fri 1 9am-3pm Tugboats;Sheen Mount 9.00 - 10.007-10pm Choir Practice;
SAT 2 10-12noon Climb to the Top of the Tower;11am Choral Matins sung by the Christ Church Consort; Preacher Rev'd Joe Moore, Team Vicar St John's Richmond9.30-12pm Flower Team Prep;
10.00am-12.30pm - practice for Contemporary Service;
1.00pm - 10.30pm - Richmond Orchestra Concert;
SUN 3ADVENT SUNDAY10.00am Sung Eucharist;8am Holy Communion BCP
10am Sung Eucharist
sheen gate choir concert from 2pm - 22:00
8am Holy Communion;
10.00am Eucharist;
12noon Late Service;
4pm Contemporary Service;
7pm Advent Carol Service;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 4 9am-3pm Tugboats;
10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins;
3.45pm - 5.15pm Penny Poppins;
9am-5pm Thompson House School Carol Service;
Funeral Katherine Vile 10:45am
MESSY CHURCH from 3:30pm
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10.00am-6.00pm held for interviews for organist;
7.30pm Advent Course;
Tues 5 9am-3pm Tugboats;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
Sheen Gate Choir - 19:45-21:30;2-5pm Friends of Barnes Hospital AGM;
6pm Evensong;
7.45pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir;
Wed 6 9am-3pm Tugboats;
10.30am Funeral service for Mary Finlay;
12.30pm Wake for Mary Finlay;
10.30am Communion, coffee and cake;
3-4pm Contemplation;
9.00am-2.30pm held for interviews for organist;
3.15pm – 4.30pm Junior Choir;
4.30-5.45pm Junior Choir Party;
6pm Evensong;
8-10pm Howells Singers rehearsals;
Thurs 7 9am-3pm Tugboats;Choir Rehearsal;
3:30-4:45pm Junior Choir;
5-11pm Holly Lodge rehearsal and Concert;
9am-12.30pm East Sheen Primary School Carol Concert;  
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
6pm Evensong;
Fri 8   7-10pm Choir Practice;
SAT 9   2.30pm-8.30pm Macmillan Carol Concert;
SUN 10 10.00am Sung Eucharist;10am Sung Eucharist
2:30pm music rehearsals
5pm Rehearsals for church choir
8am Holy Communion;
10.00am Eucharist and Small Saints;
12noon Late Service;
4pm -10pm AS Choir Party;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 11 10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins;
3.45pm - 5.15pm Penny Poppins;
organ practice9.15am Morning Prayer;
1-4pm Organ Tuning;
7.30pm Advent Course;
Tues 12 9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
12-2pm MCA Christmas Concert;
Tower House rehearsal 2pm-4pm
Sheen Gate Choir - 19:45-21:30;
8am-6.30pm Ibstock Place Carol Concert;
6pm Evensong;
7.45pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir;
Wed 13  11.30am Festive Communion followed by Christmas Lunch
Tower House rehearsal 2pm-4pm
3-4pm Contemplation;
Tower House Carol Service 6pm
10.30am Alexander House service;
3.15pm – 4.30pm Junior Choir - moved;
1pm-8pm Ibstock Place Carol Concert;
6pm Evensong;
Thurs 14 1.30-3pm Rem Group - MCA;Choir Rehearsal;
3:30-4:45pm Junior Choir
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
12noon - 2.30pm funeral;
6pm Evensong;
Fri 15  FiSH 1pm – 4pm for our Christmas Good Afternoon Choir.7-10pm Choir Practice;
SAT 16   9.30-12pm Flower Team Prep;
3.00pm - 6.00pm Christingle Service;
SUN 17 10.00am Worship for All;10am Sung Eucharist
6.30pm Carols at Christ Church
8am Holy Communion;
10.00am All-Age Eucharist;
12noon Late Service;
4.30pm Choir Practice;
6.30pm Christmas Carols;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 18 10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins;
3.45pm - 5.15pm Penny Poppins;
Sheen Mount rehearsals 9am-3pm9.15am Morning Prayer;
7.30pm Advent Course;
Tues 19 9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
Sheen Mount rehearsals 9am-3pm
Sheen Gate Choir - 19:45-21:30;
11.00am funeral for Barbara Tyman;
6pm Evensong;
Wed 206.15pm-7.15pm Julian Meeting at Christ Church;7.00pm-9.00pm MIND Carers Grp (StM Rm);10.30am Communion, coffee and cake;
3.30-4.30pm Contemplation;
Sheen Mount Years 3 and 4: 13.45 – 15.00
Sheen Mount Years 5 and 6: 19.00 – 21.00
10.30am Alexander House service;
3.15pm – 4.30pm Junior Choir;
6pm Evensong;
Thurs 21END OF SCHOOL TERM1.30-3pm Rem Group - MCA;Choir Rehearsal;
3:30-4:45pm Junior Choir
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
6pm Evensong;
Fri 22  church decorating2pm-4pm Flower Team Prep;
7-10pm Choir Practice;
SAT 23   9am-1pm Flower Team Prep;
SUN 24CHRISTMAS EVE10.00 Sung Eucharist;
5.00pm ? Crib Service;
11.30pm Midnight Mass;
10am Sung Eucharist trad language
3pm Rehearsals
4pm Crib Service - a journey to the manger
11:30pm Midnight Mass
8am Holy Communion;
10.00am Eucharist;
12noon Late Service;
1pm-3pm Flower Team Prep;
4.00pm Crib Service;
11.00pm Midnight Mass;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 25CHRISTMAS DAY10.00am Sung Eucharist;10am Christmas Morning Service8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist;
Tues 26BANK HOLIDAY9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
Bank HolidayBank Holiday - no services in church;
Wed 27  10.30am Communion, coffee and cake;
3-4pm Contemplation;
3.15pm – 4.30pm Junior Choir;
6pm Evensong;
Thurs 28  Choir Rehearsal;
3:30-4:45pm Junior Choir;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
6pm Evensong;
Fri 29   7-10pm Choir Practice;
SAT 30    
SUN 31  10am Sung Eucharist;8am Holy Communion;
10.00am Eucharist;
12noon Late Service Eucharist;